Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The year is 2010...

The season is Christmas!

The Reason is Jesus!!

So in Jesus name, and in God's love we send greetings of great joy to all.

Christmas for us the last few years has changed quite a lot in comparison to how we spent the season in years past.

Some of that change brings joy and some tugs at our hearts. Sometimes a bit of both.

We grew accustomed to large gatherings to celebrate Christmas. With 6 children we had a fair sized group even before any extended family joined in. It was a special time and the memories are treasures.

Jump to the present -

With John, Ian, Zack and I in Japan, the other 4 children grown up and married with children of their own and living in three different states - we're creating new memories of a different kind...sort of.

Different in that we aren't all gathered under one roof in one location.

Same in that we all care and love one another and still feel all the warmth of that love and know that no distance can rob us of our being family so long as we don't let it.

So while I know I too often let too much time slip by in between contact with loved ones, I want to take this opportunity to let each of you know that I love you and miss you and no one else will ever take the place you individually hold in my heart.

The reality of my role as Mommee and Baba these days isn't what I ever dreamed it might be, but I have to believe it is exactly as God wants it to be, for now.

I miss not seeing you. I miss not being there for birthdays, anniversaries, first teeth coming in - and falling out - just spending time together. I still believe we can be close and create memories to be cherished in future days.

My Christmas gift to me is that I will do better from my end to be better for each of you.

I know with God at my side I can.

So smile big, jump with joy and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!


Daeon White said...

Love you, Mom. You are the greatest!

Unknown said...

I miss you too Mommee :( Christmas time now is definitely a huge change from what we grew up with! We really did have a houseful with just us, lol. This year was especially hard for me for some reason, I may or may not have had an emotional meltdown....But I know y'all are where God wants you (like you said, for now ;) ). Just been a looooooooong time since the family has all been together and I miss everybody terribly!! But you are right, we are all still family and all still love each other a TON!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter where we each are. Love and miss you all!!