Monday, June 15, 2009

Back in Japan and still way behind on this blog!!!

Well...I obviously do NOT have this figured out yet!!
I put a few pics on, then added a few more, which I thought were going after the first few, but... here they are at the top and I haven't a clue how to move them so...
I was so grateful to have been there for Kaelyn's dedication service.
and you can see how excited she was about the whole thing ;-)

She and Mommy are all dressed up and ready to hit the town.

Nothing like relaxing on Baba's shoulder...

Happy thoughts!

Our newest L'il Angel!

Clean as a rose...

...not even phased by all those flashing lights any more!

and loves to laugh and make you smile back at her :-)

I did have an amazing time being back in the states and spending time with much of our family and getting to see a few dear friends.

I have loads of pictures so probably won't "say" much in this post; rather let the photos do most of the telling.

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